Saturday, May 3, 2008

Life happens fast!!

Well it has taken me about 1 hour to put together my first darling post and then I did something and it was gone so here I go again.

We have had a great week with Christa and Bianca staying with us. They had the roto rooter man come to fix a leaking valve under thier sink and while he was there he decided to hook up the swamp cooler under the sink without looking to see if it was connected to thier swamp on the roof, which is wasn't so needless to say, they had a lot of water damage and we have had them staying here with us for this week. It was fun!! Here are some darling pictures of Bianca. She is trying to crawl
and she scoots herself around in a circle as she plays with her toys. Darling. It is hard to believe how fast they grow!!

We just love bing grand parnets and we will be bragging about all the kids it is just going to take me a little while because I am just learning.

Special thanks to our wonderful daughter Leah

who got us all strated on blogging so we can share in each others lives even though we might be far away. We love you Leah!!!

1 comment:

{leah} said...

Mom, you did GREAT!! I love it. I can't wait to see your next post. Love you!